Thursday, December 17, 2015

Cover Reveal: Resplendent Rush

Hi All,

 I'm thrilled to share a very special cover reveal today! Liquid Silver's own Bella J is releasing the second novel in her Resplendence series, and you should most definitely check it out below. There is nothing like falling into new reads during the holiday season, especially ones with a touch of romance. Enjoy!



Lexi is a vivacious, quirky, and fiercely independent woman with enough attitude and wit to intimidate even the most confident of men. Levi is a sexy-as-hell, cocksure, smoldering hot marine blessed with smooth swagger and cool confidence to charm his way into any woman’s bed. The one thing they have in common, though, is their disinterest in finding love. She’s determined to not let love interfere and dictate her life. And with his career, he doesn’t need the emotional ties and baggage of love, and dreams of white picket fences.
But a few chance encounters have these two tangled up in one wild, passionate, explosive ride which neither of them expected, and which leaves them completely and utterly addicted to each other. Already in too deep, Lexi stubbornly fights her growing feelings for him and refuses to become vulnerable against the power that love seems to yield. She has witnessed firsthand how loving someone can destroy a person, leaving him defenseless against a life of emotional turmoil. She refuses to let it happen to her. Levi knows that Lexi is holding back. He knows that she is keeping a part of her heart guarded. He’s determined to burn down the walls she so desperately clings to, and make her surrender her all to him. But with his long-lost brother’s unexpected return comes an inexorable danger that he will do just about anything to protect her from—even if it means losing her, and in the end, breaking her heart.

Presenting the smoking hot cover of Bella J’s new Contemporary Romance - Book 2 of the Resplendence Series


Lexi indicated for the bartender to bring them a round of shots. Just as she was about to toss the tequila back, someone rammed into her from behind, and her little shot glass of heaven went bye-bye all over the counter and down the front of her dress.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Tales of the Traveling Totes

Hi All,

I'm going to be very honest. I had the best of intentions to have a Denver-related Tales of the Traveling Totes to post about today...but that won't happen.

Why, you ask?

Because when I went to Denver, there was not much to take a picture of. You see, I didn't go for fun, but for the American Speech and Hearing Association Convention, where I presented a poster on the way movement affects stuttering (basically, whether walking, throwing a ball, playing Jenga or simply sitting will have an affect on fluency).

I also couldn't take my tote! I traveled with a group, and none of them checked bags, so there was no way I could fit my wonderfully large Christabel into my too-packed carry-on.

In case you haven't seen, this is Christabel. 

But my tote was there in spirit, and to be honest, I wish I'd had the guts to make my group wait the 20 extra minutes to go to baggage claim so I could have brought her.

There's a lesson here: don't travel without your tote, ladies!

Here are some pictures from the trip:

I'm in the pink. See the posters? 

This is the poster we presented! And yes, I did blur out my name. :P

I can't say I would recommend sushi in Denver...

This bear was one of my favorite parts of the convention center!

I also bought a stuffed buffalo. When in Colorado?

I know, this is a bit of a bust, but to be honest I rarely travel from the Southeast, and the ASHA convention was a new experience for me. So for next year's convention in Philly, I'll know:

1) Bring Christabel, but don't bring her into the convention center. If you noticed, I had a huge Super Duper tote they gave me in there... which ended up being filled with so many things from so many booths, I was glad I hadn't put them all in my traveling tote. It's harder to mess up a less nice tote, especially one made from canvas!

2) Drink water! So many of my friends were dehydrated, and it really hurt energy levels throughout the day.

3) Always, always buy the stuffed buffalo. (Duh!)

4) Food outside the Southeast is... well, not the same. But the beer in Denver was great! :)

Until next time... when I will have pictures with Christabel...

Please check out my fellow Travelers! :)

Debbie with Miss Aurora @ Mountain Breaths 
Linda with Miss Rosie @ More Fun Less Laundry
Patti with Miss Kenzie and Taylor @ Pandora's BoxRita with Miss Luna C Panoply 
Sarah with Miss Merri Mac @ Hyacinths for the Soul
Samantha with Christabel @ Samantha Stone
and our non-blogger friends:
 Colleen with Miss MacKenzie Joy
Tami with Miss MC la Mer

Also, there is a giveaway!!
Leave Patti @ Pandora’s Box a comment for a chance to win a MacKenzie-Childs Flower Market soap dish, Balsam scented soap from the Adirondacks and a mini soap from Cape Cod, all items purchased on her recent travels with her Traveling Tote!
A winner will be picked on Dec 27th!!



Thursday, December 10, 2015

Christmas MANIA

Hello All,

It's Christmastime.

I want a Harry Potter-themed Christmas so badly.

I know, it's been this time of year for a few weeks now... but my finals are finished, and grading final exams for my boss is finished, meaning I can now enjoy Christmas!

*Insert long, happy sigh here.*

I've gotten out my Philosophy gingerbread body wash and bought both almond nog and pumpkin spice soy egg nog. (Not a fan of the original stuff.) I'm also playing Christmas music 24/7, driving most of the people around me insane.

I just can't believe it's December! Here in Alabama it's in the high 60s or low 70s every day, so the weather is punking us all.
From the girls I've seen wearing Ugg boots with shorts... we all have no idea what to wear. Crop top tacky Christmas sweaters? Corduroys with tank tops?

Anyway, what do you do to celebrate this happy time of the year?

When I head to my parents' house to spend some time with them, I plan to bake. A lot.
I'll also be writing almost all day every day. I'll be writing the fourth book in the Crescent City Creatures series, and I'm too excited to start it! :)

I'll leave you with two songs: one that's Christmassy, for those so inclined, and one that isn't.
Because at this point, some of you just want to shut off the radio when those bells start a-jingling.

Yes, this is the Justin Beiber version. And yes, I do like him. No, I don't understand it either...

This song is a romance novel. Enough said. Marry me, Ed? 

Hope your season is going well!

Watch out for my Tales of the Traveling Totes post coming your way on the 15th!


Sunday, November 29, 2015

Musical, *Cyber* Monday!

Hi All,

Happy Cyber Monday, aka the first Monday of Christmas Season!

This is the first Monday I can openly listen to Christmas music without being it's-not-even-Thanksgiving-yet shamed (you know who you are), but I'm not sharing a Christmas song. Today, at least.

But before that, I have a few things to share:

1) I'm being featured on author Marianne Rice's gorgeous blog! I'm so excited that she's posted about my book, Punished!
Be sure to check out her romance series with Liquid Silver Books, the McKay-Tucker Men

2) Liquid Silver Books is doing a Cyber Monday Special on ALL of our romance titles-- 50% off!
I know I'm going to be stocking up...

Without further ado, here is my song pick for this week:

Thank God For Girls

In my opinion, men should sing this all day, every day.

Weezer is, and will always be, one of my all-time top band picks. Like Twenty One Pilots, they have a level of versatility that's truly impressive. And they've been at this, coming up with creative, kick-butt music for decades. 

I really can't sing their praises enough. I hope you enjoy the song, and prepare for a more seasonal tune next week!


Sunday, November 22, 2015

Punished Release Day!

Hi All,

I hope you're having a happy Monday, because it's the release day for Punished and as such, a very happy day for me indeed! :)
I've been waiting for this day for a long time... and it's finally here!

You can buy it on Amazon here, Barnes and Noble here and KOBO here.

In case you haven't seen the cover yet, here it is:

If ever there was a cover true to its book... it's this one.

Without further ado, here's a short snippet from Punished:

       Soon Leila was dancing with a strange man, but Mary didn’t care. She kept dancing, kept enjoying the rare moment where worry didn’t weigh heavily on her heart and spirit. Now, she could be sexy, could finally feel good about herself and let others see
        A hand grabbed the back of her shirt and pulled her back, causing her to stumble. Layers of dancers gyrated between her and Leila, whose eyes were on the redheaded man she swayed with.               Good. Mary didn’t want her to worry.
        She turned to face whoever had grabbed her.
        It was the dark man. She’d been right—his eyes were as black as the starless sky outside.
        Mary didn’t care that her head didn’t quite reach his shoulder, or how he was almost twice as wide as her. She shoved him back, hard. She was done being manhandled. No man would ever touch her again without her permission. He actually stumbled, and he smiled. It was a real smile, with dimples that could barely be seen from behind his stubble.
          You won’t be able to hear me, he signed.
          He could sign?
          You and your sister need to leave.


What do you think?
Seriously, I'd love to know you guys' opinion about the excerpt and the book itself. And please, if you do read it, please write an honest review!
If you'd like the entire first chapter, leave me a comment with your e-mail address and I'll send it to you.

What are you reading today?

Sammie Stone

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Happy November!

Hi All,

 I have news.

Punished is up for preorder on Liquid Silver's website as well as Amazon. Squee!

Now for my traveling tote...

I haven't gone anywhere.

BUT, a  few weeks before Halloween I went to Kentuck Art Festival in Tuscaloosa. I had such a great time, and of course I had to bring Christabel!

Tea Town was there... in a horse trailer?!

I couldn't stop laughing when I saw this. Given, it was posted in front of a knife vendor...

Some of my favorite artwork that I saw at the festival...

They're a little creepy, no?

This one was my favorite. My beau bought it for me for my birthday, and it now hangs in my house! :)

Festival in the woods

Check out the poster on the side of that Teepee.

This was the beau's favorite. Grounded boat!

I dressed as a hippie for Halloween this year mainly because I was already wearing that dress and my friend threw the vest on me. Voila, costume!

Any guesses who my date was dressed up as?

Seriously, someone please guess! 

Please be sure to check out my fellow traveling tote-ers! Such lovely ladies with lovely blogs and absolutely gorgeous totes. :) 

Visit my other Tote friends:
Debbie with Miss Aurora @ Mountain Breaths 
Linda with Miss Rosie @ More Fun Less Laundry
Patti with Miss Kenzie and Taylor @ Pandora's BoxRita with Miss Luna C Panoply 
Sarah with Miss Merri Mac @ Hyacinths for the Soul
Samantha with Christabel @ Samantha Stone
and our non-blogger friends:
 Colleen with Miss MacKenzie Joy
Tami with Miss MC la Mer

Also, there is a giveaway, so be sure to enter!

All who leave a comment on this post will be entered into a draw for a $25 Starbucks gift card, Miss Merri Mac's treat as a Thank You for following along and joining us for Tales of the Traveling Totes. 
The winner will be announced November 11, 2015

Below is the song I chose as my main Halloween tune, but it's also perfect for November!

I just can't get over the piano bits. 

I hope everyone had a fantastic Halloween and November kickoff!


Sammie Stone 

Thursday, October 15, 2015

A Taste of Silver

Hi All,

Happy fall!
I know, I haven't posted in weeks. Grad school's been tough, okay?

I'm working on finding my balance between blogging, school, work and writing. Of course I'm *not* slacking when it comes to writing... I plan to finish the third Crescent City Creatures novel by the end of November, and immediately begin the fourth.

Also, I have two pieces of good news.

First, I did well enough on my neurology exam that I've treated myself to a gnome purse! His name is François and he's making grad school a little bit better for me.

Although I'm fairly certain my professors think I'm insane. 

François is a fantastic dinner companion. 

Second, I received a contract from Liquid Silver Books, my publisher, for the sequel to Punished. 
I can't wait to reveal the title, the *gorgeous* cover, and most importantly the couple this book is about!

So here's what to come:
I'm going to make these cupcakes.
(Because I love candy corn.)

I'm going to keep talking about Punished, which will be released November 23. (Cue excitement!!)

I'm also going to talk about my upcoming birthday this Monday and some music I've been into lately.

Here's my current favorite song:

I think it's kind of sexy. Scratch that, very sexy. 

What are you guys into this October? 
What would you like to know about Punished?


Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Tales of The Traveling Totes Goes to the Park

Hi All,

This post is late. 
It should have been put up yesterday, but that didn't happen and for that I apologize. 

The moral of this story is, grad school takes over your life whether you want it to or not.

Ominous notions aside, I did get to travel with my wonderful Mackenzie-Childs tote, Christabel, recently.

Specifically, I went to a park in Louisiana.

Lakeview, the neighborhood of New Orleans by the lakefront, is a place where some people's front yards line a beautiful park that looks like this:

I would live there. 

This is one of my favorite areas of the city, not only because it's beautiful, but because it's just so safe and quiet. 

Why was I in New Orleans, you ask? I visited four independent bookstores, and am in talks for Punished to be sold on their shelves. 

 How cute is Maple Street Books?

The pictures above and below are of a relatively new spot, St. Roch's Market. Apparently my great-grandfather, who this pen name honors, Samuel Stone, had a part in designing the open-air building.

Christabel and I are smiling, but we're really debating whether to buy an oversized cupcake.

St. Joe's Bar, where they sell the best mojitos in the city

I love the chandelier at St. Joe's

Of course, I had to have a couple of pictures from Café du Monde. For once, I didn't get their hot chocolate (it was August) but I did eat my body weight in beignets! 

The very next weekend, I brought Christabel to Nashville, where I was headed for my friend's 21st birthday. Thanks to her family in the city, and someone who gave me some great recommendations for where to go, the trip was a success! 

At the Frist Center for the Visual Arts. 

At the art museum, there was a exhibition on Italian fashion throughout the past century. So fascinating!

It took a while to find this mural.

I just liked the name of the coffee shop...

Christabel photobombed a Snapchat!

My cute photographer and I, on the roof of Tootsie's

That's all of my tote's traveling for now. Next time, my post will be punctual!

Happy travels!

Sammie Stone

Visit my other Tote friends:
Debbie with Miss Aurora @ Mountain Breaths 
Linda with Miss Rosie @ More Fun Less Laundry
Patti with Miss Kenzie and Taylor @ Pandora's BoxRita with Miss Luna C Panoply 
Sarah with Miss Merri Mac @ Hyacinths for the Soul
Samantha with Christabel @ Samantha Stone
and our non-blogger friends:
 Colleen with Miss MacKenzie Joy
Tami with Miss MC la Mer

Monday, September 7, 2015

Musical Monday, and MY COVER REVEAL!

Hello All,

Today is my favorite Musical Monday ever, because I get to reveal the book cover for Punished.

Here it is:

I think it's stunning, just like Raphael's abs. *swoon*

Sometimes, things work out perfectly. This is the case with my book cover--I couldn't be happier with it. I seriously think the very talented artist who created this cover, Dar Albert, read the book... or has ESP.
Either one.

So today, along with the cover for the book, I'm going to share my playlist for Punished. 

This playlist is the book, in music form. 

Each and every song on this playlist pertains to Punished, whether to the book as a whole or to certain parts of it. Also, I happen to like all of this music. I'm not going to post something I don't want to listen to!

I hope these songs give you a taste of what Punished will be like! Once November 23 rolls around, you'll be able to see why these songs are so applicable.

That's right-- Punished is being released on November 23. Mark your calendars! :)

I've picked out a song I think represents Punished best-- you'll notice it's the first on the playlist.
When I heard The Wolf on the radio, I freaked out because it's scary how accurate the song as a whole is as a representation of the story I've told.


I'm a sucker for Mumford and Sons.

What do you think about the cover? How about the playlist? Please leave a comment--I'm dying to see what you all think!


Sammie Stone


Monday, August 31, 2015

Musical Monday

Hi All,

Happy Monday!

I hope yours is musical, like mine has been.

I've been listening to Kanye West all day because of the announcement that he'll be running for president in the 2020 election.

Mr. President...Kanye West.

I'm not saying whether I'm in support of or against this, but the news has certainly brightened my day. And I *do* like his music.

In honor of Mr. West,  I'm using one of his songs as my choice for the day. Hopefully by next week I'll have the cover of Punished, and can do a reveal along with a release of the playlist I've made to go along with the book.

I've found some songs I'm really excited to relate to it!

So here's "Stronger" for those of you who need to keep your chins up this week. Having just begun graduate school, I know I need to hear it.

My favorite Kanye song is "Runaway," FYI.



Monday, August 17, 2015

Mary's Musical Monday

Happy Monday, All--

I'm a little bummed today, because people are being really hateful about sorority women.

Here's what I have to say about it:

I am a Delta Zeta alum. (I like turtles.)

I am dating a non-Greek man, and have both Greek and non-Greek friends. I'm also a graduate student, will *probably* go on to get a PhD in my field of speech-language pathology, and thus care very much about education and my career.
I also wear makeup and dresses sometimes,  and make a genuine effort to look my best every day. There is nothing wrong with striving to look nice, and nothing wrong with never wearing makeup at all. Everything in between is cool, too!

Enough of that. I just had to make those points clear.

Today, I'm introducing Mary Newman, the heroine of Punished. She is also a sorority woman.
I normally don't tell you much about my characters, but in light of the criticism of Greek women, I'll tell you that I modeled Mary's academic achievements on my own--had her parents not died a few months before her college graduation, she would have graduated summa cum laude from LSU, and attended the Rhode Island School of Design's Master's program for painting. (I, however, am no artist.)

I had a hard time deciding on what song to represent her, but I chose this one with a caveat: she does not do drugs. You'll see her personality in Punished, but I'll tell you that substance abuse isn't her style.

I hope you like the song, and get a taste of the turmoil Mary is going through at the beginning of Punished. 

I also just love this song. 

How is your week beginning?



Monday, August 10, 2015

Raphael's Musical Monday

Hello All,

Today is a special Musical Monday because it's Raphael's day.

Without further ado, I introduce Raphael, the hero of Punished. He's an Estonian man who's been living in exile for over five hundred years.

I won't tell you anything more about Raphael because as always, I want you to make your own decisions regarding him. 

I will say that I have a soft spot a mile wide for the werewolf, but I'll stop there.

Here is his song. Take of it what you will....

I'm also somewhat obsessed with old Fall Out Boy. FYI.

Next week I'll introduce Mary, his heroine. Once my publisher, Liquid Silver, sends me the cover, I'll do a Monday cover reveal complete with the song I've decided best represents the book. After that, I'll post my complete Punished playlist. (I *love* making playlists, guys.)

XO, and happy Monday!


Thursday, August 6, 2015

It's Almost Time for School, And a Book Release!

Hi All,

In many of our cases it's not school but work (with me, it's both), but no matter who you are, there's a shift in the air when August rolls around.

With graduate school beginning and I start to write my third novel--I wonder if anyone can guess who the hero is--I needed some small things to help bring a smile to my face as I work.

I thought I'd share with you all, in case you, too, need a fall pick-me-up.

I'll start with this mug, which I literally ordered today:

Of course, the back of the mug has mischief managed written in cursive.

I also love this teensy notebook--I'm such a sucker for Keats, I feel like this could brighten my mood any day!

And also these macaron pencil erasors! *So cute*

A good book always helps, especially when you have a few spare minutes to pull out your book, Kindle, Nook, etc. 

My good friend Rebekah Lewis just released her third book in the Cursed Satyroi Series, Satyr From the Shadows, and I had to share!

It's already in my Nook queue, poised for a few stolen moments of reading this August. 
The first book in the series is Wicked Satyr Nights.

Click the link below the fruit to find a list of cute desk accessories!


And finally, here is a list of candy stores you may not have heard of, for those of you who eat chocolate year-round like I do. Some of the stores even have their candy delivered to your house!



PS-- I'm coming for you, New Orleans. You and your creatures had better watch out tomorrow... :)